1. (10min)先講均衡飲食healthy eating
2. (5min)一組發下一份學習單,請小組討論如何分類
4. (5min) 小組或自願者發表討論結果
5. (15min) 發下每人一份學習單、剪刀、膠水、開始完成學習單剪貼
6. (5min) 收拾用具、桌面、紙屑
[3] /// 3) group discussion, presentation, cut & paste, tidy up.#
Food Groups for kids 2:51
potassium /pəˈtæs.i.əm/ symbol K 鉀
a silver-white chemical element that, when combined with other elements, is used in the production of soap, glass, and fertilizers (= substances that help plants to grow)
folic acid /ˌfoʊ.lɪk ˈæs.ɪd/ 葉酸
a vitamin, found in the leaves of plants and in liver, that is needed by the body for the production of red blood cells
[2] The 5 fabulous food groups 4:31 (語速較快)
*ChooseMyPlate.Gov website
-Food Fact Cards
-Bingo cards
Health Tips, Food Nutrition Facts and Benefits, Habits and Manners | Health Education by Mocomi Kids 23:12
(many Q&A)
Max & Ruby: Max's Sandwich / Ruby's Bedtime Story / Ruby's Art Stand - Ep.57 | HD Cartoons 23:35
***[Carla's Sandwich-- be different] 10:29